新鲜出炉 北京塔台所见所闻
Touch and go()
我:滑行经由… 跑道35R外等
[07:35:51] VHHH_S_TWR: ground
[07:35:58] VHHH_S_TWR: the CONC
[07:35:59] VHHH_S_TWR: no
[07:36:00] VHHH_S_TWR: ok?
[07:36:11] ZGZU_CTR: lol
[07:36:14] VHHH_S_GND: RGR
[07:37:06] VHHH_S_GND: HE TOOK OFF!!
[07:37:23] >> he is fofofo?
[07:37:46] ZGSZ_TWR: lol
A: request leave for 5minutes I need to smoke
ATC: I tell you what, you now switch to Unicorn
B: Need 5minutes out
ATC:what you are going to smoke too?
B:no I don’t smoke I need to get my water bottle washed
O [14:19:28] CSZ0085: hello?
[14:19:39] >> hello
O [14:21:02] CSZ0085: text only is here?
[14:21:14] >> nope, in freq 121.35
O [14:23:37] CSZ0085: I have121.700 but don't have 121.35...
O [14:24:26] CSZ0085: my first time use this Software
[14:24:51] >> enter ".com1 121.35" into your software
O [14:34:07] CSZ0085: now I use 121.350 ZSAM_APP Mengqiu,but you can't see my text
[14:35:10] >> ?
O [14:36:01] CSZ0085: now you can see my text in 121.350?
[14:40:53] >> I can see your text in 121.350
[14:41:01] >> but do not type pin yin in freq.
O [14:41:42] CSZ0085: roger
O [14:42:07] CSZ0085: I just test
O [14:28:53] CSZ0085 on 121.350: zai zhe?
O [14:31:53] CSZ0085 on 121.350: 1
[14:32:17] >> CSZ0085, affirm, but don't type pinyin here.
O [14:34:59] CSZ0085 on 121.350: roger that
O [14:43:16] CSZ0085 on 121.350: gaoqi Delivery, good evening, CSZ0085, stand 1, type Airbus32N, receiving information BRAVO, request IFR clearance to Shenzhen
[14:44:28] >> CSZ0085, Your acft type in incorrect, if you flying A320-Neo, you should type A20N, A321-Neo, then should be A21N
[14:44:37] >> CSZ0085, A319-Neo is A19N
[14:45:08] >> CSZ0085, btw, your initial part of your route is incorrect, here is your new route and plz modify according it.
[14:45:27] >> CSZ0085, NUSPA W597 IKATA A470 BEBEM R200 OVGOT
O [14:45:58] CSZ0085 on 121.350: CSZ0085 roger
O [14:54:07] CSZ0085 on 121.350: gaoqi Delivery, good evening, CSZ0085, stand 1, type A20N, receiving information BRAVO, request IFR clearance to Shenzhen
[14:54:58] >> CSZ0085, stby clearance no1
[14:55:08] >> CSZ0085, btw my callsign is Xiamen Approach
[14:55:41] >> CSZ0085, cleared to ZGSZ via flight planned route, follow NUS91D departure, runway in use 05, cruising altitude 8400m,
initial climb 900m on QNH1016, squawk 2542, when airborne contact frequency 121.35.
O [14:56:37] CSZ0085 on 121.350: cleared to ZGSZ via flight planned route, follow NUS91D departure, runway in use 05, cruising altitude 8400m,
initial climb 900m on QNH1016, squawk 2542, when airborne contact frequency 121.35.,CSZ0085
[14:56:51] >> CSZ0085, readback is correct, report when fully ready.
O [14:58:11] CSZ0085 on 121.350: Xiamen Delivery, CSZ0085, ready for GND
[14:59:52] >> CSZ0085, squawk 2542
O [15:00:48] CSZ0085 on 121.350: squawk 2542.CSZ0085,
[15:01:51] >> CSZ0085, push-back and start-up approved, runway 05.
O [15:02:30] CSZ0085 on 121.350: push-back and start-up approved, runway 05,CSZ0085
O [15:06:20] CSZ0085 on 121.350: xiamen Ground, CSZ0085, request taxi
[15:06:41] >> CSZ0085, taxi via T2 B2 A A1 to holding point runway 05.
[15:06:59] >> CSZ0085, by the way, my callsigin is Xiamen Approach, not Delivery or ground.
O [15:07:06] CSZ0085 on 121.350: taxi via T2 B2 A A1 to holding point runway 05,CSZ0085
[15:07:31] >> CSZ0085, Callsigin depends on the controller who controlling you.
O [15:09:56] CSZ0085 on 121.350: roger
[15:12:40] >> CSZ0085, surface wind 13002MPS, runway 05, cleared for takeoff, report airborne.
O [15:13:40] CSZ0085 on 121.350: runway 05, cleared for takeoff,csz0085
O [15:15:46] CSZ0085 on 121.350: CSZ0085, airborneD
[15:16:16] >> CSZ0085, radar contact, follow NUS91D, climb to 4500 meters on standard.
[15:16:50] >> CSZ0085, say your intension?
[15:17:13] >> CSZ0085, comfirm which departure are you proceeding?
O [15:20:42] CSZ0085 on 121.350: follow NUS91D, climb to 4500 meters on standard,CSZ0085
[15:20:51] >> CSZ0085, you are not follow NUS91D
[15:21:02] >> CSZ0085, by the way, why you don't contact me?
O [15:21:56] CSZ0085 on 121.350: I just was converting the meters to the feet
[15:22:00] >> CSZ0085, China implement RVSM in Metric level system. Please visit https://www.vatprc.net/rvsm for more information.
[15:22:24] >> CSZ0085, Also, your departure path shows that you are not follow NUS91D departure
O [15:23:06] CSZ0085 on 121.350: very sorry
[15:23:31] >> ANA1016, by the way, ignore controller instruction and no contact may be violated with VATSIM CoC
O [15:24:11] CSZ0085 on 121.350: my first time talk to ATC ?I'm a little busy
[15:25:12] >> ANA1016, read you 3 by 5
[15:25:48] >> CSZ0085, say your intension?
[15:25:57] >> CSZ0085, Why you don't maintain the altitude?
O [15:27:25] CSZ0085 on 121.350: ap is Disconnected
[15:28:49] >> CSZ0085, If you cannot handle your acft, I suggest you to disconnect from the network, otherwise you can only bring trobles to others.
O [15:29:37] CSZ0085 on 121.350: verry verry sorry
[15:29:41] >> CSZ0085, When you can handle your acft and get familiar with the Flight Simulation, We warmly welcome you to back.
[15:30:05] >> CSZ0085, You can check these article for further learning.
[15:30:15] >> CSZ0085, https://community.vatprc.net/t/topic/7096
O [15:30:26] CSZ0085 on 121.350: OKOK
O [15:31:56] CSZ0085 on 121.350: I am deeply sorry for the lot of trouble for you today
O [15:32:16] CSZ0085 on 121.350: Thank you for your patient command
pilot: Shantou Ground, (callsign), have information C, request clearance to 澳门(字正腔圆)
下次就是request clearance to 厦门(当然Amoy确实很少用就是了
CXA: 你好?(重複五次)
HKG_W_CTR: yes?
CXA: 可以說中文嗎?
HKG_W_CTR: no?
CXA: Can you speak Chinese?
HKG_W_CTR: no?
CXA: Where are you from?
HKG_W_CTR: Hong Kong
CXA: 不是哥們你香港的不會說中文?
HKG_W_CTR: HKvACC only service in English
CXA: ok good bye
APP: CSN, bay 4, taxi via E. (重复2次)
CSN: 我对这个机场不熟
APP: 那你不能看一下航图吗(语气非常平和)
CSN: 哥们,别跟我抬杠,大家都来打游戏的,不要弄得,不愉快
Controller: ?
Controller: english only
RCTP_OBS: How to become a Taipei control
Controller: your division is not in ROC
Controller: and also you are not a controller in PRC (因这位OBS账号归属VATPRC)
Controller: So you can’t become a controller in ROC
RCTP_OBS: I’m Chinese
Controller: I’m chinese also
(一着急intention打成intension,ignore it)
先感谢atc大哥了 真不容易lol