哈哈哈哈哈 没啥大事
CCA0214:Wuhan Control This is CCA0214,radio check
ZHWH_CTR:Confirm you do radio check by text?
CCA0214:confirm CCA0214
ZHWH_CTR:CCA0214,read you 5
CCA666: Shanghai CTR CCA666: CCA666 >> CCA666, go ahead CCA666: go ahead >> CCA666, go ahead CCA666: go ahead >> CCA666, go ahead CCA666: go ahead >> CCA666, i mean go ahead >> CCA666, say what you want to say
是我的英语太差么 还是他理解有问题?
[18:18:01] >> IND738, Please give your position report as follows: [LAST FIX CROSSED] at [TIME CROSSED], [FL], estimating [NEXT FIX] at [TIME], [NEXT FIX] * [18:18:24] IND738: heading 196 to way point TILLY [18:18:30] >> IND738, Please give your position report as follows: [LAST FIX CROSSED] at [TIME CROSSED], [FL], estimating [NEXT FIX] at [TIME], [NEXT FIX] [18:20:25] >> IND738, can you pass you position report as above pls * [18:21:03] IND738: sir i am hreading 196 degree to waypoint TILLY * [18:21:29] IND738: climbing FL360 [18:23:14] >> IND738, Please give your position report as follows: [LAST FIX CROSSED] at [TIME CROSSED], [FL], estimating [NEXT FIX] at [TIME], [NEXT FIX] [18:23:53] >> IND738, I DON’T HAVE RADAR, sir * [18:23:56] IND738: sir i gave you 3 times my position [18:24:04] >> IND738, Please give your position report as follows: [LAST FIX CROSSED] at [TIME CROSSED], [FL], estimating [NEXT FIX] at [TIME], [NEXT FIX] [18:24:08] >> IND738, you need follow that sir [18:24:37] >> IND738, where you passed and what time? what is your next waypoint and time? what is the waypoint thereafter * [18:24:47] IND738: i am at fl360 heading 196 to way point TILLY [18:24:57] >> IND738, what is your last waypoint? [18:25:29] >> IND738, Please give your position report as follows: [LAST FIX CROSSED] at [TIME CROSSED], [FL], estimating [NEXT FIX] at [TIME], [NEXT FIX] * [18:25:49] IND738: i passed keith * [18:25:59] IND738: heading to TALLY [18:27:20] >> IND738, when did u passed KEITH? [18:27:33] >> IND738, i send you 5 times sir, Please give your position report as follows: [LAST FIX CROSSED] at [TIME CROSSED], [FL], estimating [NEXT FIX] at [TIME], [NEXT FIX] [18:28:26] >> IND738, https://vatpac.org/pilots/pilot-tools/oceanic-reporting-tool [18:28:35] >> IND738, you can have a look there might help * [18:30:19] IND738: sir i am 65nm out from way point TALLY * [18:30:36] IND738: passed KEITH [18:30:45] >> IND738, WHEN did you pass KEITH? [18:31:00] >> IND738, WHEN will you arrival TILLY * [18:31:20] IND738: yes * [18:31:26] IND738: i passed KEITH [18:31:28] >> IND738, I NEED A TIME SIR [18:31:29] >> IND738, WHEN? [18:31:34] >> IND738, Please give your position report as follows: [LAST FIX CROSSED] at [TIME CROSSED], [FL], estimating [NEXT FIX] at [TIME], [NEXT FIX] [18:31:37] >> IND738, 6 times sir [18:31:54] >> IND738, can you please read that and report to me? [18:32:19] >> UAE112, Pass your last position report when able. * [18:32:25] IND738: I passed at 6:11 PM utc [18:32:43] >> IND738, ok when will you pass TILLY? * [18:33:05] IND738: i am 33.5nm out from TALLY [18:33:44] >> IND738, i don’t care how many nm will you arrival TALLY, i only need to know at WHAT TIME will you cross TALLY sir. [18:33:46] >> IND738, Please give your position report as follows: [LAST FIX CROSSED] at [TIME CROSSED], [FL], estimating [NEXT FIX] at [TIME], [NEXT FIX] [18:34:27] >> UAE112, u with me sir? * [18:36:17] IND738: i passed TALLY at 6:34 PM [18:36:50] >> IND738, ok that should be 2 min ago which is 1834z, what is your next waypoint and time? * [18:37:35] IND738: now i am heading to wrnnr * [18:37:53] IND738: i will reach there in 1:15 hours [18:37:56] >> IND738, sir can you understand english? [18:38:04] >> IND738, Please give your position report as follows: [LAST FIX CROSSED] at [TIME CROSSED], [FL], estimating [NEXT FIX] at [TIME], [NEXT FIX] * [18:38:24] IND738: sir i dont know how much time i will take to reach the next way point [18:38:41] >> IND738, you must calculate your self * [18:38:51] IND738: oh i will reach wrnnr at 1913Z hours [18:39:13] >> IND738, thank you! what is the waypoint after WRNNR? * [18:40:32] IND738: next way point after WRNNR is SHREE [18:41:11] >> IND738, thank you! San Francisco Radio copies TILLY at 1834Z, FL360. Estimating WRNNR at 1913Z, SHREE thereafter.
* [10:03:00] CAL202: Beijing district adjusts the good evening stand C35 Airbus A320 request to be released to Hong Kong CAL202 [10:03:20] >> CAL202, cleared to VHHH, using runway 36R, via RUS9YD departure, join fly planned route, initial altitude 1500 m, cruising level 11000 m, squawk 0026, departure frequency 125.900. * [10:04:44] CAL202: Allowed to VHHH, use 36R, accelerate by RUS9YD, join the flight plan, initial altitude 1500 meters, cruise 11000 meters, SQ 0026, production frequency 125.900. [10:05:35] >> CAL202, readback correct, report ready. * [10:06:11] CAL202: I don抰 understand 1500 meters, but I understand, the cruise is FL361 meters [10:06:25] >> CAL202, Hi! China implement RVSM in METRIC LEVEL system. Please visit https://www.vatprc.net/en/rvsm-en for more information. [10:06:42] >> CAL202, 1500m is 4900ft * [10:08:51] CAL202: Allow VHHH, use 36R, RUS9YD acceleration, join the flight plan, initial altitude 4900FL, cruise FL361, SQ 0026, production frequency 125.900. Thanks this website is very good [10:09:50] >> CAL202, readback correct, report ready. [10:09:54] >> CAL202, we don’t use feet so you need to use meters [10:10:02] >> CAL202, use meter fly in feet * [10:11:25] CAL202: I’ll be ready to report CAL202 * [10:12:29] CAL202: CAL ground preparation stand C35 requests driving permit * [10:12:31] CAL202: CAL ground preparation stand C35 requests driving permit * [10:13:08] CAL202: Do I need to switch the frequency when the ZBAA tower is online? CAL202 [10:13:14] >> CAL202, pushback and startup approved, runway 36R. [10:13:33] >> CAL202, i will ask you for change, for now on my freq * [10:14:02] CAL202: Can drive CAL202 runway 36 * [10:19:33] CAL202: CAL202 request slip permit [10:20:03] >> CAL202, contact Beijing Tower 118.500, good day. * [10:20:20] CAL202: contact Beijing Tower 118.500, good day * [10:45:55] CAL202: Beijing district transfer CAL202 is passing 6000 meters to 11000 meters SQ0026 [10:48:47] >> CAL202, Beijing Control radar contact, climb and maintain 11000m. * [10:49:17] CAL202: climb and maintain 11000m. CAL202 * [11:00:45] CAL202: Beijing district tuned CAL202 and returned 30 minutes after leaving [11:01:24] >> CAL202, approved * [11:01:58] CAL202: Thank you CAL202 * [11:26:44] CAL202: Beijing district tune CAL202 is back [11:27:12] >> CAL202, roger. [12:02:20] >> CAL202, you are leaving my airspace, radar service terminated, no further ATC service, monitor to Unicom 122.800, Have a good day. * [12:02:30] CAL202: Monitor 122.8 Thank you conductor for your hard work CAL202
再补一个哈哈哈今晚太欢乐了 中文机组就真中文
ZSHA_CTR: XXXX,证实你的高度在9500
ZSHA_CTR: 你行高95,你对飞那个机组高度9800,你现在上高?
那天晚上真的一卡车这种的 哪冲突就往哪避让 110屁股底下有104跟101 他跟我说tcas ra descend= =
CCAXXXX : XXXCTR,This is CCAXXXX,REQUEST CLB TO 6000,tell me in qq or the plane front of me will DESENT & BLOCK ME.
CN TRANSLATE: 某某中心,CCAXXXX请求上高到6000, 请在QQ里告诉我,要不然前面的飞机会下高来堵我。
心 肺 停 止
某次深圳活动 ZGSZ_TWR:《欢迎来到杭州》
USA087:beijing ground cactus 087 could you please connect the jetway to the aircraft?
USA087:北京地面,cactus 087, 你能帮我接一下廊桥吗?
[15:23:53] >> close for earthquake
[15:24:14] ZJSA_T_CTR: stay safe
[15:24:57] ZGKL_TWR: stay safe