Virtual Air China

Hello everyone, I’ve been flying with Air China for a while, inspiring me to create this virtual airline.

With the software LRM from you can view all the statistics of your flight, from tracking to rate of landing.
By joining my airline, you can be part of a growing family, a career feeling, because you can fly the recommend routes (real based) or create new ones, sharing your progress with other pilots, and most importantly you’ll help us grow.

Once enough people joined, between 5 and 10, I’ll pay a subscription to help the developers and enabling our airline to be more realistic: for each flight you’ll be rewarded experience points and virtual money! How cool is that! Finally a way to make flying realistic and satisfying.

Hope to see you soon.

Giordano, CEO of AirChina Virtual, you can find us at ZGG Air China - FsHub

I made a tutorial to help you join the company


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