又有一套新的管制软件了,以下截取vatsim网站的介绍,我懒得翻译了 https://forum.vatprc.net/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png" alt=":P" />
From vatsim.net:
"vERAM is a high-fidelity simulation of a real-world enroute radar system used in many US ARTCC facilities. The vERAM client has many of the features of its real world equivalent, such as:
- Full-screen mode for enhanced realism.
- Toolbar with movable tear-off buttons.
- Movable list views including area altimeter settings, METARs, beacon codes, and check lists.
- VSCS (Voice Switching and Control System) simulation.
- Conflict detection.
- Reduced separation airspace.
- Full radar coverage volume simulation.
- Geo Maps with adjustable brightness and separate map groups.
- Top-down mode for VATSIM controllers also covering local and ground positions. (Allows aircraft on the ground to be visible.)
- Multiple display windows for covering large areas of airspace or for close-up view of terminal or airport surface areas.
- Automatic tracking of departures.
vERAM is a challenging and realistic tool designed mainly for VATSIM enroute controllers. You can visit the vERAM site to learn more and download the software at veram.metacraft.com"