For CAAC issued Aeronautical Information Package (includes charts and other air traffic service info) please go to China EAIP:
For Chinese RVSM (In metric System), please read:
VFR in China is not fully developed, but VATPRC does have some rules for VFR. Please check the following link:
Shanghai Pudong (ZSPD), one of the most popular Chinese Airports for VATSIM Pilots. The coordination of Pudong Airport in FSX is inaccurate, also the Pudong scenery of ImagineSim. However, some add-on scenery files’ coordination is correct, this situation causes traffic conflict during taxi, take off and landing. If there is ATC controlling Pudong Airport, please check NOTAMs in ATIS. If not, please caution the ground traffic. Thank you.
Yes, we do have werid callsigns for our Aera Control Centers, we even use our FIR codes as the callsigns of the Enroute Control centers. Please check the ATIS of the Controller or check with the controller.
For more info with the flight information region and control areas: 5584
" data-fileid="5584