
全美空中管制员组织发布的一个宣传视频,全体VATPRC管制员需要看看! 是不是看了就想上线了呢? https://forum.vatprc.net/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png" alt=":D">





_ “I am the voice of the safest most efficient airspace system in the world” _


_ “My voice is the voice that guide you home into everyday” _

_ “I am a professional air traffic controller” _

_ “I have to be,100%,100% every time.” _

_ “You don’t know my name and you don’t know my face, but you recognise the work I do each everyday” _

Pretty much inspiring…great video!!!

_ “My voice is the voice that guide you home into everyday” _


_ Great video~~ _

_ thanks for sharing! _

lots of videos about pilots and ATC controllers,but never seen anything about aircraft technicians