The other day I was observing XXX , who manned APP at Perth Int’l. I heared the following instructions issued by him:
ABC, track direct to XXX, cleared for visual approach, rwy XX, report established on localizer.
I was confused: if app cleared an ac for visual app, why he requested ac report established on localizer. Since the approach is visual, to my understand, the ac should navigated depend on ground(mountains, rivers…etc) not on localizer. If relys on localizer, then it is not a visual. It should be an instrument approach.
I did asked him about this when he’s free. He said it’s 100% acceptable for visual app to use localizer. Even in VFR when landing, it’s still acceptable to use ILS approach. If this is the case, why now directly clear the ac for an ILS approach?
When I make ATIS, the similar question always haunts me. Well, if I say, ILS APCH in ATIS, how about a VFR using visual app for landing. Should VFR aircraft be banned from landing? or that VFR ac must use ILS for landing? or the ac can still proceed with visual app even if you state ILS app in use?
On the other hand, if I stipulate Visual app in use, how about an ac wants to use ILS for landing? Should he use ILS anyway, no matter what you said in ATIS, or he must use visual to comply with op procedure in ATIS?
Here’s come my confusion, if ILS app in use and an ac is still allowed for visual app (say a VFR ac, or the ac doesn’t has ILS equipment, or whatever reason the ac just can not fly ILS), or visual app in use but an ac has to use ILS for landing. What is the meaning to specify app type in ATIS?? Does is make any sense to say ILS/Visual App in use? ac will proceed with app based on its own capacity anyway.
And when we decide what op should be use, I mean in VMC and no extreme weather, visual or ILS? Which on gives us more flexibility?
Thanks in advance.